Posts Tagged ‘ fine art ’

The first exhibition

It was a success, although the crowd was a bit underwhelming, I was extremely impressed about how everyone pulled through, I was very lucky in having dedicated and ambitious teammates so that we could deliver the center piece of the exhibition (in my humble opinion). Now let me divulge some secrets about Percy, we chose bones as a element for him because we wanted him to be a critique towards the sites we were given, New York and Liverpool, cities which both thrived on the slave trade, and were at a time two of the biggest slave trade centers of the world. The two sites are set in the docks so the correlation is even more obvious with the idea that Percy would illustrate how both cities were built on the bones of the slaves, and that fact was slowly overwritten, to the point of people not being aware of it anymore. A friend said he could name 10 streets in Liverpool named after slave traders/owners, but being embedded so deep in routine and normality, people eventually forget the atrocities committed in for the comfort of others. The architectural device we created through Percy will help develop buildings that will be strongly correlated with the past of the two sites and will make people aware of it. Some might say that what is history it is already written and nothing can be changed, but keeping a close eye on it will prevent it from repeating itself. There are a lot of mistakes that humanity made along it`s history, and most of them should never happen again. Architects should enforce this idea through the statements of their architecture, people can be made aware of the past through subtlety as well, not only history books, tangential learning could be a key element in making a whole demographic aware of a real problem that could be affecting them without even knowing. But I`ll leave that rant for some other time in the meanwhile enjoy the exhibition, there are photos of us setting it up, and of the final look of it.

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High baroque/rococo modern reinterpretation extended

There is no such thing as too much baroque!!! Feel free to zoom in on the details, for the image is quite large. Enjoy!chape4

High baroque/rococo modern reinterpretation




High baroque/rococo modern reinterpretation, through Percy. Feel free to zoom in, the images are quite large.(check Urban Dweller on my blog if you haven`t already, more information will be available after the exhibition) Enjoy!






Of eyes and flowers


These are some compositions I`ve kept hidden away for the exhibition, but I`ll most likely create more of them by the time it will be exhibited. With them I am exploring compositions based  on nature while still being constrained by the object of Percy.

circle of bones



violent symetry



This one I found to be a very interesting interpretation of Baroque style ornamentation in a pure meta-modern composition.



Movie draft


This is the first draft of the clip we were asked to create. There is a lot to work on it, but I need to write an essay tonight and I also want to do some animation tutorials tonight and also read a bit. Tomorrow we`ll get a review on the movie, an sound artist will drop in to help us with creating a sound montage and also I we`ll have to do some brainstorming with the whole team to see where this clip is going from here. I`ll be posting some more compositions soon. Enjoy!


Symmetrical speculation


After the collection of towers I`ve created, I decided to explore the object of Percy through a controlled symmetrical photographic series. I found it curious how much our own body alters the perception of images. A lot of images that are boring on their own, get a lot more overwhelming, fascinating and aesthetically pleasing, which can only be attributed to the symmetry humans share as a species. Although most look uncanny because the mind keeps trying to attach meaning to them and due to their perfection, they are have a much better reception of the human psyche than their opposite,the pronounced lack of symmetry in the human body or figure, dis-figuration. With those said, I`ve named them as a Rorschach test, by perceptual instinct. Who knows what you`ll see in this. Enjoy!










Gaze  dissaproval





New sky-scrapper concept for New York?

I have taken my speculation further into investigating the vertical rhythmic properties of the device I`m using (Percy). Enjoy!















The great wave off Kanagawa

Started procrastinating this morning and came up with this: my interpretation of The great wave off Kanagawa by Hokusai. It is the best example of fractal art so I just played a bit on the fractal part. Enjoy!wave3

Welcome, my friend, to the machine

What is in store for the future of Percy? Speculation, a lot of it. The next stages are to explore and exploit Percy’s formal and spatial qualities and distil them through various processes such as suprematist compositions, metamodernist photography, mapping, juxtaposing and reinterpretation etc.


So in many respects we created a machine, a factory to produce architectural form from the formal qualities of Percy, which will always relate back to the conceptual principles on which Percy was established as an entity, thus preventing us of falling in the trap of creating suprematist architecture from a mish-mash of randomized shapes which can be altered to suit the site.

Percy has become the device for a process that creates a vast and (probably infinite) amount of work that can be translated as architectural formal interpretation. These exercises are made in absence of any type or building brief, so in many respects it turns the usual creative process which everyone is used to on its head with the concept of function following form. But in fact that is not entirely true, although it is quite a perverse technique which many architects would consider too abstract or too radical to accept, Percy is providing us with a pseudo-infinite amount of possibilities that could be reinterpreted and re-iterated many more times to suit the function or the site conditions, without falling in the abysmal state of producing shape with no meaning, concept or intellectual background and ambition.

large aa

The next step is setting up an art gallery in about 2 weeks which will present the study of the object of Percy. Some of our colleagues considered we were picking up where Warhol left with this factory type cult of the object artistic approach, which is true to some extent, but what we are creating at the moment is a process, a means to a means of designing architecture. So in many respects we are not celebrating the object, but the process or the transformation and the interpretation.

These are some renders done in high quality textures that I have created, next step is to tryout some more unconventional textures and see what results we get.

ggg topaaa bot  percy large

The compositions below are made by one of my teammates, really interesting pieces, though one fell off :).


peeeeercypussssShadow plans

And lastly some speculations made by me based on details from Percy, it is a rhythm and spatiality study based on altering different iterations of the same vector.

xXXx Print Print Print Print

These are the first techniques and the first drafts we produced, we are hoping to enlarge our spectrum of operations greatly in the following week by employing more complex processes and algorithms.

P.S. Percy will star in a movie, the trailer is not out yet : )

Suprematist art a lie?

Ok for some reason, I cannot publish the actual article so there you go an link to it, feel free to comment as you wish.Dynamic Suprematism 1915 or 1916 by Kasimir Malevich 1878-1935Ok for some reason, I cannot publish the actual article so there you go an link to it, feel free to comment as you wish.

Suprematist art a lie?